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SylviaInCanada Report 27 Oct 2010 05:09



SylviaInCanada Report 27 Oct 2010 05:09



SylviaInCanada Report 27 Oct 2010 05:09


champagne all around!!!


jax Report 27 Oct 2010 05:21

Sylv you are getting as bad as Fans now

Must go to be soon will grab a danish on my way out




SylviaInCanada Report 27 Oct 2010 05:23


couldn't resist it could !???

Night night

Sleep well



Gee Report 27 Oct 2010 06:48

Syl...your 'needling' sounds intersting, doe it work? Are you full of tiny holes now!

Ta for breakfast, I'll pass on the champers as I have to drive in an hour or so!

Ja..x was wondering how OH job is going?


Dea Report 27 Oct 2010 07:45

Good morning all!

Gosh Sylvia, you DID have a traumatic day yesterday didn't you? It is no wonder you are tired.

Hope the new treatment works - have a good sleep and a good day tomorrow. - You still managed to make that lovely breakfast for us - VERY delicious!!

Many thanks, you are very much appreciated here!!

Dea x


Dea Report 27 Oct 2010 07:47

And how is 'our Fans' on this dark, cold and dreary morning?

Managed some sleep, I hope?

You will feel better when you get those antibiotics inside you, they 'kick-in' quite quickly.

Dea x


Cynthia Report 27 Oct 2010 08:19

Gosh Sylvs, that physio really 'needled' you didn't he? Hope it does the trick....thanks again for the brekkie.

Fans slept fine Dea - I could hear her from here. Hope she gets that toothy peg sorted today though. Reminds me, where did I put those pliers?

Off out shortly and then not quite sure what is on the agenda for today. May make it up as I go


Renes Report 27 Oct 2010 08:33

I always thought Sylvia- that physio was more a gentle manipulation - not quite so extreme - not sure I understand the needling - sounds awful - but if it works - should be worth it - thanks for brekkie - I hate it when work in house in one room - ends up all over house

I climbed my iron mountain yesterday - so all done - no jobs for this morning - cooking this afternoon - Perhaps

Nice sunny day here - although rain could - just could be coming Sunday - nice treat for garden - hopefully

Although sunny here in day time - we do not get the sun until 9.30 ish - coz of mountains - so not really warm until 11-.00 - house is getting chilly now - overnight and early morning -our winter is fast approaching -

When clocks go back this weekend - we will have a short sunshine day to warm house - so log stove will soon be lit at 4 to 5 pm -

Still - no extreme seasons really - just less heat from the sun


Jonesey Report 27 Oct 2010 08:44


If the tooty pegs are still giving you grief the best short term solution is whisky.

Pour yourself a large glass and take a sip. Hold the whisky in the area of your mouth which hurts most. Shortly the affected area will at first "tingle" and then go numb. When that happens swallow the liquid. Take another sip and repeat the process until the glass is empty. When that happens refill the glass and continue until you no longer feel any pain.

The whisky will not cure the underlying problem but it will stop you suffering from it. Trust me.


Renes Report 27 Oct 2010 09:19


I think that might be a universal cure all and any pain. - you have invented there !!!!


Cynthia Report 27 Oct 2010 11:38

Sounds a bit like Jonesey knows what he is talking about.....hmmmm.

Bracing meself for screams from West Wales......

Having fetched and carried OH from one place to another, it's time for a brief coffee break and then off to pick up never ends does it???


FannyByGaslight Report 27 Oct 2010 11:45

Dentist can not/will not see me til next Wednesday.

Whisky here I come Jonesey ,which make is best please?
But wont I have a terrible hangover and icky tummy to go with the toothache later?
Just got rid of the headache from yesterday..!


Dea Report 27 Oct 2010 12:35

That is appalling Fans,

If I were to ring my dentist with a bad toothache and ask for an emergency appointment, they would first ask if I could manage to wait until the next day but if it was very severe, they would always fit me in on the same day.

I would certainly look to changing your dentist as soon as you can.

Is there a 'dental clinic' at the local hospital who you could ring for advice?

There are usually local services to deal with emergencies.

If it is really bad, I would keep pestering your dentist to see you straight away.

Dea x


FannyByGaslight Report 27 Oct 2010 12:55

You live in England though Dea.
From1999 -2005 I did not have an NHS dentist,you could not get one for love nor money in our area,so went private once a year,and was lucky to get in at that practice.
Then I got an NHS dentist,but a 70 mile drive from where I lived,and he was rubbish in my opinion.
Managed to get in with a new dentist when one opened near me,people were queueing round the town from the night before (yep camped out)they opened their doors on the first day.
I do nothing to rock the boat and lose my place on their register ,nor do anyone else here.
I was in there 2 months ago and 4 people came in to try and register.They were told that it was an 18 months waiting list.
No dental clinic that will see you pronto.
I had to have an extraction 2 yrs ago that I needed to be asleep for.2 year wait to see dentist at local hospital,let alone have it done.
Went private in Milford Haven in the end as I could not take it after 6 months.Cost me a bit £350.00,but at least I got it done cheaper than Carmarthen Private Dental Hospital wanted...£1200.00,yep..One thousand two hundred pounds !
I could have had it done in Hungary for £650.00,including flights and hotel for 2 nights.
Marbella was only £800.00 including flight and one night stay !


Cynthia Report 27 Oct 2010 13:01

I agree with Dea Fans. Someone should be available to deal with those in pain. I would be tempted to go back and complain. Go on girl.....go for it!

Not sure what I am doing this afternoon but no doubt I will be informed.........sigh.


Renes Report 27 Oct 2010 13:26

No Fans - do not rock the boat - in Cambs it was the same - re dentists - no NHS ones left -

Ours - which we had all gone to for 17 years changed from NHS to private and we all had to take out an insurance policy with them and pay - I think just under 20 pounds a month each person - ( this is to stay on register - still had to pay at each visit - but obviously less than total private ) those that moaned or could not pay - were not kept on the register

There are many stories of people queuing over night to register -

Also we had to had 2 check ups a year - and pay - and the hygienists every 4 months ( must confess that did not bother me as went to hygienists ever 2 months ) but the other members of the family objected

As you say - rock the boat - and you are out on your own

Struggle on Babe

and this was over 9 years ago - goodness knows what it is like now


TootyFruity Report 27 Oct 2010 13:31

Fans dental surgeries generally put emergency time each day into their books.

I am sure under the NHS contract they need to see anyone in pain within 48 hours and provide an out of hours service. I'd phone back and ask the receptionist don't they have emergency appointments?


Cynthia Report 27 Oct 2010 13:36

Arrghh Fans! What a truly awful situation....looks like next Wednesday it is then. How many painkillers are you taking per day? Think I'd better stop taking the mickey as I feel really sorry for you now.

creeps away.