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Debbie K

Debbie K Report 25 Oct 2010 20:02

Sorry I must have missed the Thread title

my apology for making a reply on the wrong one



MarieCeleste Report 25 Oct 2010 20:07

Hello Debbie, you'll probably have seen that the "How to use the Trying to Find" post says: 'Please don’t post about the same person or family twice as this can make extra work for the volunteer helpers.'

I do understand that it can get a bit messy when the family is starting to spread out, so to speak, but there is often info there already which may help us.

Personally, I would keep all the info in the same place. It can be useful to edit your heading, adding something like "More info needed" and the date. - That way helpers will go straight to your latest request.


jax Report 25 Oct 2010 20:07

We were here for the last inspection it was the same man Renes. Last year he did'nt say it was dangerous but needed doing. We don't use it much now the heating is on but it does look nice when it is on looks like a log burner.



MarieCeleste Report 25 Oct 2010 20:09

Does anyone want to add to my reply? I can also send it to Debbie by PM.

(Deb, if you are checking back - no need to apologise!)

Debbie K

Debbie K Report 25 Oct 2010 20:12

Thanks Anne-marie

For your responce the only thing that puts me off before is the amount of good people who have responded to a previous request on one question but i will try it thanks

Cynthia I found your respnse very sarcarstic ( and before you say anything my spelling is not good)

and members wonder why people a scared to ask a question and do not renew their membership



Dea Report 25 Oct 2010 20:14

Now that is a 'tricky one' Deb.,

The reason we say keep to one thread is that when we are looking for info for you we start with the person you name and then go backwards and forwards through all the census's getting to know his/her parents, grandparents, siblings, spouse, children, grandchildren etc. We also look at births, marriages, deaths, christenings etc., for several members of the family, to further prove the connections.

We probably do the same with the spouse too, just so we can be as sure as we can that we are giving you the correct info.

If you then start another thread on e.g. his father, or his brother etc.,, we would do the same searches, thus duplicating the same searches which is a waste of everyone's time and effort.

If we have already given info on your thread which relates to the new person who you wish to follow, It should be continued on the same thread.

It is very unlikely that we would have gone as far as distant cousins so I think, in that case, you would be safe to start a new thread on them.

Although they would ultimately connect somewhere, our 'lines' of search from them, in general, should be different and so we would not be duplicating work which has already been done.

Thank you for taking the time to ask this question, I am sure you will receive further comments.

Hope this helps,

Dea x

Debbie K

Debbie K Report 25 Oct 2010 20:15

Thanks again Anne Marie

Thanks it just make's me a bit worried in replying as you never know what resonse you may get

thanks Anne-marie


Debbie K

Debbie K Report 25 Oct 2010 20:17

Thanks Dee

you have helped me alot with my problem family ( King and Cooley) still stuck but thanks again for your reply



MarieCeleste Report 25 Oct 2010 20:19

Deb - I don't think for one second that Cynthia's comment was aimed at your request. She was referring to the "chat" that we often have on this thread and was actually talking about the things that we ourselves have written to each other.

I should point out, however, that the replies on these boards are done by volunteers, i.e. paying members like yourself. Renewing your membership should not be dependent on our help.

Hope that clarifies things a bit.

Debbie K

Debbie K Report 25 Oct 2010 20:36

Anne Marie

I only asked if asking about distant family member's need to go on the same thread.

I have membership (which have been renwed) for other various sites and I have helped people in the past with info which I could give

I am not dependent on anybody just a pair a fresh eyes I have asked for in the past just in case I have missed something

I am not being rude just asked a general question

sorry if I have upset anybody



MarieCeleste Report 25 Oct 2010 20:39

Deb, sorry if I wasn't clear! I didn't mean you were dependent on us lot! What I meant was don't let what we do influence your decision about renewing membership.


SylviaInCanada Report 25 Oct 2010 20:44


Cynthia is one of the very last people to be sarcastic

by saying gobbledy gook, she was referring to the sometimes asinine comments and remarks that we make to each other on this thread, as we attempt to keep the thread close to the top of the TTF board.

The reason for that being so that the first post, which is the important part of the thread, is available to be read by many people.

Not too many people other than ourselves plough their way to the end of the thread!

My suggestion would be to keep to the original thread IF the distant family member has already been referred to.

Otherwise, start a new thread, and copy over any information that you feel might be relevant


Debbie K

Debbie K Report 25 Oct 2010 20:46

Anne marie

I have renewed other site mebership's not this one but where I am still not seeing or getting the info. I Have just asked the question on this site to have another look for me. As I know from previous responces some people have put me on the right path.

But my original question was about distant relations do I post on the same thread which I think has been answered


Debbie K

Debbie K Report 25 Oct 2010 20:48

Thanks Sylvia in Canda

That has answered my Question

Thans V Much



Cynthia Report 25 Oct 2010 20:50

Heaven's Deb...I'm so sorry. My response wasn't meant to be in the least sarcastic I assure you. I was simply passing you on to Anne-Marie because she was around at the time and would have a better idea of how to answer you.

The gobbledook thing was not aimed at you at all, it was a comment on our comments on this thread!

The bit about the reply button was because we occasionally get people posting on here because they have just seen the front page and they don't come back to look for a reply. I didn't want you to think you were being ignored. Hope this all makes sense!

Debbie K

Debbie K Report 25 Oct 2010 20:54

Thanks Cynthia for that

Sometimes I feel I dont wont to reply to anything

But thanks 4 that it means a lot

Deb x


Cynthia Report 25 Oct 2010 20:59

You're welcome Deb. :))


MarieCeleste Report 25 Oct 2010 21:01

Deb - another reason I forgot to mention - any threads that helpers respond to appear in our "My Threads" and most of those check them for updates. If you add your request to an existing query then people who've already helped you, and have a "feel" for your family, will notice this and probably give you a better response.

Bye for now, I'm going to annoy Cynthia by watching rubbish on TV! ;-)


Gee Report 25 Oct 2010 21:07

Ive stopped watching pants TV and Im back....

....missed me?


Cynthia Report 25 Oct 2010 21:09


You're not watching Mr & Mrs Smith are you A-M? We are, for the umpteenth time.........humph.