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Renes Report 25 Oct 2010 14:43

There is a family tree with over 23,000 names on it - but when you click on their name and full tree - it actually shows about 40 odd people who are related to them

300 people listed above - on their second cousin - third husband -- are nothing to do with them at all - what so ever

Name collectors is a very good term Jax very applicable


FannyByGaslight Report 25 Oct 2010 14:51

I dont know if I shall be able to stand the excitement of this afternoon as I HID (Him In Doors,, Renes..!)and I are now going out to buy some paint for the Garage roof.

The exciting life I lead knows no bounds..


jax Report 25 Oct 2010 15:06

It sad when you see posts looking for thier ancestors when they say gt grandfather born 1920....gave up on that one too recent

What colour paint are you buying Fans?



Cynthia Report 25 Oct 2010 17:39

That was a long day! Could have done with you with me's hard work with my two at times!

I have to make sure we eat when it's right for OH to have his pills and daughter is on antibiotics at the mo and hers were due about an hour after her dad's.....oh joy! She would have liked to go shopping round the 'Pool as would I, but OH would have got too tired.

However, I was happy for himself as he kept exclaiming on how much work was going on and how things had changed - and it's not that long since we did the same trip but the demolition of some once beautiful houses certainly changes the landscape.

Had a shedful of really nice pm's when I got lady was so grateful as she had been trying all the boards not realising that they would be studied intently! I remember doing that......posting on one board and if I didn't get a reply, I would try another hoping for more successs and I hadn't a clue who was helping me! Imagine what would have happended if Gins has been around then....she would have throttled me!! much for blissful ignorance. grin.

Ja...x I usually just reply 'You're welcome' when I get a thanks. The ones which throw me are those who thank me and then ask me if I know 'where Auntie Doris was born'. I gently advise them to post that query on their thread as there are people far better qualified than I just ready and waiting to help them.

Dea, looks like you have done a good job on those lookups. I'm not very good at reading census, but I'm pretty good at reading people!!

No messaging done as yet so must push off before I feel the toe of Fan's boot. Hobnailed they are. Like her.


jax Report 25 Oct 2010 17:58

Oh yeah I was polite to them Cyn but if they don't post back on the thread you would be sending them reminders.
One replied back saying she would but as of yet I have not noticed anything.
I have been to Liverpool a couple of times as HID comes from there. We stayed on the Albert Dock last time right next to the Echo Arena very nice place.


Just recieved another pm " yes she did marry my grandfather *****" 9th sept I gave those details


FannyByGaslight Report 25 Oct 2010 18:15

Welsh Red of course.
The whole of my place outside is Red and White...
BUT,we didnt go,cos just as we went outside Sparky turned up for me to have a look at something to do with his family tree that he thought he had found last night on 1911...WRONG..I proved it to him of course and said he was best leaving it to the Amateur and not the idiot and as he was here was he going to install that last heater in spare room?No he said just called to show you this.
He did the job,took him half an hour...!

Will have to go tomorrow as the Postman is coming to do the painting at the end of the week..


Gee Report 25 Oct 2010 18:31

Is it red and white strips Fans....Sheffield United!

What I ask is Welsh red?


FannyByGaslight Report 25 Oct 2010 18:38

In Focus they call it either "Brick Red"or "Victorian Red"
Not bright and shiny but duller like Victorian house brick colour,it looks really pretty.
And yes,some is in stripes as it happens cos where the asbestos sheets meet on the outside they have put strips of wood down to weatherproof/hide them..
I have painted all the timber bits Red and the bits in between which are pebbledash I have painted white..
It looks really pretty and most people comment on how nice it is...
Just too scared of heights to do the garage roof and I wont let HID up a ladder as the risk of falling and breaking his leg and having it amputated(which is what would happen if it did break)is just not worth it,so paying a person to do it is what gets it done..


jax Report 25 Oct 2010 18:39

More like Arsenal I would think

Because we rent our House we had the annual Gas inspection today and the gas fire has been condemed until they put more cement around the flue.
So when my leg gave way the other week I may have had carbon minoxide poisining?? If I have spelt anything wrong tough!!



SylviaInCanada Report 25 Oct 2010 18:42

Hi all

very rainy here this morning!

Dea .............. that person on ancestry has probably changed their tree to private (or possibly removed it entirely). I've had the same thing happen to me occasionally, and assume the former is what has happened.

Glad to hear that you all enjoyed breakfast.

Cyn ................. a large part of my first and fifth years at Liverpool were spent in the old Workhouse! It was on Brownlow Hill, right next to the Catholic Cathedral.

The very irreverent students christened that Cathedral the Rocket Launching site

By my 5th year, some engineers had been moved into the basement of the old workhouse (aka Botany Annex!!) ..... every few hours they would do some experiment that resulted in a big bang and the building shaking

We were up on the 3rd or 4th floor, and they used to have to send a warning to us

Boy, were we glad when the renovations had been completed and we could move into the Genetics department's permanent digs!



SylviaInCanada Report 25 Oct 2010 18:46

Crikey ja...x

that's dangerous!!

We have a carbon monoxide monitor in the hallway just outside our bedroom ................. we have a gas furnace and gas water heater, both in the basement, but hopefully we will get enough warning from the monitor in the event of a leak.

Is it possible for you to get one and install it??

Our gas meter outside was replaced about 5 years ago, by the gas company, to one that has a valve that will automatically shut off the gas supply in the event of an earthquake ...... or any happening that shakes the house beyond a certain point.



Gee Report 25 Oct 2010 18:54

I have one of those Sylv....Ja..x £15 from SuperDrug

Are you sure it was the gas my dear and not the port wine!

Since when did the Gunners play in red adn white stripes?


Cynthia Report 25 Oct 2010 19:11

Welsh Dragon red? Suits you.

Ja...x, that's pretty dangerous to hear. Hope you get it sorted.

Sylvs.....went passed the Uni today on way to the cathedral. A lot of the building work I mentioned is taking place round that area. When you come to see me, I will take you down. :))

The Catholic cathedral is know locally as Paddy's wigwam. Both the Anglican and the Catholic cathedrals are well worth a visit.


jax Report 25 Oct 2010 19:21

I think we have one in the they beep if something is wrong? The man who did the inspection said he would tell the agency last year as the cement was a bit loose, but obviously they did'nt bother doing anything.



Cynthia Report 25 Oct 2010 19:45 there something good on telly that I'm missing?


MarieCeleste Report 25 Oct 2010 19:50

Hello Cynthia - quiet, isn't it?

Debbie K

Debbie K Report 25 Oct 2010 19:51

Iv'e asked this question before but would like your views

I have had so many probems with my family so I try and branch out.

by that I mean cousion's, second counsion's ggg grandchild.

should I still put it on my origanall thread as the person I am asking about is very distant from the original person ?


Edit sorry about spelling as that is not my strong poing ( i still am trying to find out what is )


Renes Report 25 Oct 2010 19:58


Sounds like a super trip - I have never been to Liverpool - but would have loved to

Jax - would check out the "gas" monitor - it would seem to me that it should be where the gas fire is -- ring up the agency - and get then to contact the landlord post haste -

I used to insist my clients had new gas certs - at every change of tenant - as you never know what the out going tenant may have done

Better safe than sorry - they used to cost 25 pounds from a Corgi fitter -

as I used to say to them ----it is not worth a life


Cynthia Report 25 Oct 2010 20:00

Hi A-M - over to you on Debbie's questions. If she doesn't respond, it may be that she has clicked on the reply button on the front page and hasn't seen the rest of the gobbledy gook on here. Don't tell Gins what I called it!!! hahaha

Another thing.....this lot don't half watch some odd programmes.


FannyByGaslight Report 25 Oct 2010 20:01

Emmers first,then Snowdonia 1890,half hour break now and then Panorama..
Thieving landlords is the theme I believe on Panorama tonight..