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FannyByGaslight Report 21 Oct 2010 19:43

Dont know about Cain doing that,and as he is now sat in on court proceedings would he be able to testify anyway?

A gift would be very nice,I wont say no....
Do they have hornets in Canuckstan?
Hmmm,possibly if they have a lot of Janeys ....;)

Must go watch tv now....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Renes Report 21 Oct 2010 20:00

Evening all

Everyone seem happy tonight - what a cheerful thread we all have

For the moment !!!

All it needed was a Geordie to cheer the place up ---- I have always has excellent service from the Pensioners Overseas Dept in Newcastle ---- very cheerful people working there - nothing to much trouble and I used to love Kevin Keegan - when he was at Newcastle

Jax ----- are you still following this Essex thing -



MarieCeleste Report 21 Oct 2010 20:03

Ooh Renes, you've awoken a horrible memory! Years ago my ex had a "Keegan perm" - I still cringe.


Cynthia Report 21 Oct 2010 20:08

Er Cain? Any relation to Abel? I take it you are yattering about Emmerdale?

Jeanie with the light brown hair Gins......didn't realise you would have even have heard of that song - it's so old! Fans remembers it from her teenage years.

What did you have in mind A-M? Chocs would be nice. Or a certain butter tablet.

Ja...x, who on earth did your medical? I know a retired doc who does them and he is an absolute love. So much depends on the way the form is filled in doesn't it? My daughter gets the minimum level which is fair enough. We were so pleased because it means that autism can be recognised as a disability. A super person from the benefits place came out and helped her with it. Her disabilities aren't as obvious as some but she does struggle with everything life and living. Even though she lives independently, I am registered as her carer and am there for every crisis - of which there are many!!


Renes Report 21 Oct 2010 20:09


I had one too !! went a a cruise the week after and the salt air made it double daily -----------at the end of three weeks you could not tell where my hair ended and I started -

it was an all consuming Keegan perm


MarieCeleste Report 21 Oct 2010 20:11

I know Renes, but you were a girl. Men shouldn't do perms, it's a crime against hairdressing.


SylviaInCanada Report 21 Oct 2010 20:12


consider it a CRAFT moment




SylviaInCanada Report 21 Oct 2010 20:13

Just having my lunch sarnie

then I've made an appoitnment to have my hair cut

but no perm!!


Renes Report 21 Oct 2010 20:15

whadda you mean I " were a girl " ----- I are a girl still

just an old one lol


JaneyCanuck Report 21 Oct 2010 20:17

What a bunch of babies.

Yes, A-M, that was the whole idea. You're quick! I want gifts. A gift will do.

Yeesh. It just felt a little funny to be exchanging a bit of banter with a newbie (that back-and-forth thread business in particular, A-M) w/o knowing the person too well, not sure about being misread possibly, that sort of thing. You can never be too careful, you know. Well, I can't, anyway. ;)

Weren't the rest of you mostly here before me? So ... where were *my* PMs of introduction and welcome? Eh? Eh?

I think Sylvia grudgingly agreed to share the late-night replying to unanswered threads with me when I showed up. ;)

FBG, you were just annoying when you arrived, I had to take you in hand and straighten you out first.

Hornets in Canuckistan: you betcha. Great big perpetually irritable black bug...s. I had a nest in the roof of my back room when I moved in. They also nested in the dirt in a planter just below that roof overhang. I was digging in it once and coming up with papery stuff, and when I started coming up with hornets, I got it.

No.1 is petrified of bugs with bad reps, like wasps and bees and hornets and spiders (big year for spidies here again; damp, and the huge black-and-yellow ones string themselves across anywhere you might be walking).

If he gets a bumble bee -- a bumble bee! -- in the house, he comes and gets me to deal with the problem, i.e. put a margarine tub over it and toss it outside. Double ditto with hornets. They've recently been living in the little porch roof over the back door of my office house, which my office window overlooks. Had a few of them come in the window this summer. I managed not to have hysterics, me.

Ms G -- you were so right about the Restall thing. Good early catch -- and glad I've been posting those surname info threads for just that purpose. Don't miss the dénouement. If it's still there. 1245735


MarieCeleste Report 21 Oct 2010 20:17

Well I didn't mean you'd done anything trans-gender!


JaneyCanuck Report 21 Oct 2010 20:18

Sylvia, you've just reminded me to eat the banana I noticed in my office yesterday. Must have gone uneaten the day before. It's still good, fortunately. ;)

A banana a day keeps the potassium up, you know!


SylviaInCanada Report 21 Oct 2010 20:24

just about to eat our last banana

then I'll send OH to the store before I let him have his afternoon coffee!

yeah, those were some good late nights, before we got others pushing in there!



jax Report 21 Oct 2010 20:25

These ESA medicals are carried out by a company called ATOS. I personally do not think they are qualified to do the job or been in the country long enough for that matter. The two DWP departments do not seem to liaise with each other, if they did they may have some medical details they could check with.

Oh are we getting gifts from the geordie lass?

No Renes watched it once made me cringe too much



SylviaInCanada Report 21 Oct 2010 20:27


do you keep your bananas in the fridge?

If not, you should!

OH met someone who used to work for one of the big banana companies ......... probably Chiquita, if I wasn't having another CRAFT moment.

Thta guy said they always kept bananas in the fridge.

The skin goes brown, but the banana inside stays firm, and is just as good at the end of the week as it was when it was put in there.



Gee Report 21 Oct 2010 20:34

Ive seen your 'resolution' JC...but I wonder if it will be final ;)

Nannas....I love em all specky and going soft

Speaking of food...wheres Dea with her soggy sarnis?


FannyByGaslight Report 21 Oct 2010 20:36

Ooooo,good on Cain,beat the little rat senseless I say and then some more later...

HID got a letter from his Doc and his Consultant before he went for his medical and placed it on the desk and asked for them to be read before the Assessor Doc even got to started.
With what he has very few people have even heard of it(including GPs and nurses),let alone seen it at its worst.
Maybe you need some form of back up from your Doc and Consultant.

ME annoying?Taken in hand?Straightened out? indeed...sniff.
But its true,some people do take your "banter"the wrong way,but we still put up with you anyway..;))


JaneyCanuck Report 21 Oct 2010 20:38

Aaaargh, this blasted thread has just gone bum over teakettle on me. I'm trying to figure out how I replied to a post of Sylvia's before she posted it, and how come she was talking to me about bananas when I hadn't even said anything about bananas yet ... I'm in reverse mode. Now I have to try to figure out how to get out of it.

Maybe new management will fix this buggy mess of a website. If I can just get my inbox without getting the error message four times first, I'll be happy.


Renes Report 21 Oct 2010 20:41

I became addicted to Bananas . ate a least one a day for or with my lunch when I worked in a London Merchant Bankers

wait for it

7 years --------well just over

I am cured now


SylviaInCanada Report 21 Oct 2010 20:42

have you got Last Reply instead of First Reply?

check the times

If you have, go back to page one and change it