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Cynthia Report 17 Oct 2010 20:24

Evenin' all. Popping in and out again. Just got to finish TTF. Have not stopped since 7am..........sheesh. Day of Rest? Don't you believe it! Back later.


Gee Report 17 Oct 2010 21:05

And you dont need to par boil spuds....peel, chop, wash, dry and cover in olive oil

....bung em in the hot oven, turn down after 10 minutes and then sprinkle with salt...turn back up after 40 minutes to crisp off

Sighs........its not difficult

And if you want to know how to cook a real Yorkshire pud....


Gee Report 17 Oct 2010 21:20

And I see Fanny is too drunk to add



Renes Report 17 Oct 2010 21:23


Would love a fail safe real Yorkshire pudding recipe

I can cook anything BUT not yorkshire puds

I like the big light puffy crispy ones

Help me please


Julie Report 17 Oct 2010 21:25

Ginny bring this here

If someone had posted something that wasn't nice...
you'd blow out the thread & it would stop them from deleting
as the edit & delete button used to be on the right hand side


Renes Report 17 Oct 2010 21:28

Sometimes I par boil - other times as you said - but sprinkle with herbs - not salt -

I make a sea salt and herb mix - 30% salt 70% herbs - and put in grinder - when cooking for other people add that mix

Also on my tomatoes and onion balsamic vinegar salad

Otherwise no salt - don't have a tolerance for it


Cynthia Report 17 Oct 2010 21:31

Quiet innit?

Can I hear singing?

Can't be Fans.....too tuneful.

My Yorkshire puds are quite good but I use guesswork!


SylviaInCanada Report 17 Oct 2010 21:39

Hi all.

I think the cut we call baron of beef is much smaller than you're thinking of. We can even get one that is small enough for the two of us, giving us 1 hot meal and 2 cold ones.

We're having some glorious Fall weather ...... bright blue skies and sun. It is getting down to 4 or 5C overnight and upto 13C or so during the day.

We eat out most Friday evenings at one of two local places. Last Friday we went to the "bistro" and they had terducken on the menu.

This is the latest thing here. One local butcher was advertising it for Thanksgiving last weekend, and wanted 2 days notice because it is so time consuming to make it. The bistro was making their own.

It is a chicken stuffed inside a duck stuffed inside a turkey, with layers of stuffing between each one. The birds are cut open down the breast and all the bones removed, then the turkey is laid flat, a layer of stuffing placed over it, the duck laid flat on top of that, a layer of stuffing, the chicken laid flat on top, a layer of stuffing spread on top. Then they are either rolled up or formed into a semblance of a turkey.

I would have loved to have tried it, but wasn't quite hungry enough! It wasn't a bad price ................ $20 (ca £12 or so) for the meal with a potato and yam mash and veggies, or $25 for their special 3 course meal.

The flooring looks good ..... but it's one of those things that looks different colours in different lights, or where there are shadows, and is almost impossible to photograph to get a true indication!!

Our friend's Celebration of Life is on Tuesday afternoon. We came home on Friday to find a message on the answer machine from last weekend's party girl to say "can we make a deal for Tuesday? I'll phone you at a later time".

She still hasn't phoned ....... but I know they will undoubtedly be coming over for the memorial.

I think what she is going to suggest is that they come to the house and then we combine cars ................ we are actually between the ferry terminal and where the memorial will be held, so it makes perfect sense, and we have done it many times before.

I'm just going to have to say "Fine. Great idea. Just close your eyes as you walk through the living and dining rooms. And please use our bathroom, not the guest one"!!!!!



Renes Report 17 Oct 2010 21:39

Bit hard for me to follow then Cyns


Gee Report 17 Oct 2010 21:41

Jules...youve lost me hun?

I said I was losing it a while back


Julie Report 17 Oct 2010 21:44

Ok no worries


Gee Report 17 Oct 2010 21:50

It was just the 'over' posting that sent the thread orf the page!

Still, me and thee seem to be the only ones that get it!


SylviaInCanada Report 17 Oct 2010 21:52

I can't make yorkshire pud to save my life!

so I gave up trying years ago.

I do know that the flour over here is different ..... it's made from different strains of wheat than in the UK and Europe ............... and think that might have something to do with the fact that no yorkshire pud I've had on this side of th Atlantic tastes quite right!



Julie Report 17 Oct 2010 21:54

Ok if someone being nasty on a thread then someone would blow the thread out, like you did with all the dots

The person the swore couldn't them come back and delete the post cos the edit & delete things were on the right and side & they couldn't see or get to them

does that make sense now...if not then i'll just take a pistol to my nut


Renes Report 17 Oct 2010 21:59


Sorry even as a meat eater I think that recipe is gluttony

It is not for me -


SylviaInCanada Report 17 Oct 2010 22:07


on my screen, the Edit and Delete buttons are to the left ...... and are only on my postings, not anyone else's

Renes ......... I agree with you

.......... but I would still like to try it just once. Everyone says it is delicious!



Gee Report 17 Oct 2010 22:09

Well now I am upset

I was just trying to flippin help


Julie Report 17 Oct 2010 22:10

They used to be on the right..( probably before your time) & i know they are only on your own posts

I was explain something to Ginny about why people used to do this


Renes Report 17 Oct 2010 22:14


I was reading on that post before you posted on here

I am sure if I was you I would be paranoid by now

You do get picked on



Gee Report 17 Oct 2010 22:19

Bring it on Renes....


Ozbird got her nickers in a twist....forgive, forget...lifes too short