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Trying to find birthplace of Thomas Heritage

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Brian Report 4 Jun 2010 05:00

I have been working for 4 years on my family tree. All of the research I've done has been through the internet, as I live in Canada. Well, I hit a brick wall a couple of years ago and now I'm just getting frustrated. I've been able to follow my line all the way back to my gt. gt. gt. grandfather Thomas Heritage. Most of my relatives were born in the Clerkenwell/Holborn area. I found a record of the marriage of my gt. gt. gt. grandfather Thomas Heritage to Maria Adams in 1806 at St. Andrews, Holborn. And this is my brick wall. I can't find any birth record for Thomas Heritage in the Clerkenwell/Holborn area, so I can only assume that he was born elsewhere. I found their marriage in Pallot's Marriage Index.

I have found a record for a Thomas Heritage, born 1779 in Fillongley, Warwick, but I can't see any way to connect this record to my ancestor.

I'm hoping that someone can help me in this or at least give me some pointers in where I can look.

Brian Heritage


JaneyCanuck Report 4 Jun 2010 05:16

If you search the IGI for Thomas Heritage born 1770-1790, for example, there are 18 of them (fewer actually; there are duplicates). No reason to settle on the one in Warwickshire, I think. ;)

One born 1785 in St Marylebone, just for instance, would seem a more likely candidate. There's also one in 1777 in Stepney, and one in 1773 in Kent, who would be more likely than Warwickshire.

Any chance he was still living in any census, that might state a place of birth? Or Maria?


SylviaInCanada Report 4 Jun 2010 05:38

There are two ThomasHeritages living in London on the 1841

Thomas Heritage abt 1789 St Marylebone, Middlesex <<<<<< has wife (apparently) Elizabeth)

Thomas Heritage abt 1791 St Marylebone, Middlesex <<<<< no wife, but "son" Thomas, age 20

EDIT ........ both are shown as M S (male servant)



SylviaInCanada Report 4 Jun 2010 06:33

Thomas and Maria's wedding is alos on ancestry in the London Records

London, England, Marriages and Banns, 1754-1921

Name: Thomas Heritage
Spouse Name: Maria Adams
Record Type: Banns
Event Date: 9 Sep 1806
Parish: St Andrew Holborn
County: London
Borough: City of London

from the image (it is completely hand-written):-

Thomas Heritage and Maria Adams both of this parish were married in this Church by Banns on this Ninth Day of September in the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Six by me Charles Bryce Curate This marriage was solemnized between Us Thomas Heritage (the mark of) Maria Adams (the mark of) In the presence of us Anne Adams (the mark of) James Horton



SylviaInCanada Report 4 Jun 2010 06:39

This is I presume one of the children of Thomas and Maria

London, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1906

Name: Thomas Heritage
Record Type: Baptism
Date: 31 Oct 1813
Father's Name: Thomas Heritage
Mother's Name: Maria Heritage
Parish: St Andrew Holborn
Borough: City of London
County: London

from image:-

Address:- Vine St

Father's occupation:- Taylor (sic)

and this one??

London, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1906

Name: Deborah Maria Heritage
Record Type: Baptism
Date: 28 May 1815
Father's Name: Thomas Heritage
Mother's Name: Maria Heritage
Parish: St Andrew Holborn
Borough: City of London
County: London

from image:-

Address:- Vine Street

Father's occupation:- Salesman



jansmith Report 4 Jun 2010 07:10

1851 to dismiss the 1 in Kent i think as it looks like he stayed in Kent
Name: Thomas Heritage
Age: 78
Estimated birth year: abt 1773
Relation: Head
Gender: Male
Where born: Sellinge, Kent, England
Civil parish: Ewell
County/Island: Kent


jansmith Report 4 Jun 2010 07:13

Possible death but no age given yet in index
Name: Thomas Heritage
Year of Registration: 1846
Quarter of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep
District: Marylebone (1837-1901)
County: London, Middlesex
Volume: 1
Page: 146 (


Brian Report 4 Jun 2010 14:54

You folks are great!! Thanks so much for the responses.

Janey - Thanks for the suggestion that I've centered myself on an unlikely person. I guess I didn't give the complete reason why I was concentrating on the Warwickshire Thomas. This Thomas had a sister Mary Heritage (1789) and a brother Samuel Heritage (1792) both of which are from Fillongley. I found a record in Pallot's Marriage index for the marriage of Mary Heritage to William Edwards at St. Andrew, Holborn in 1812. It's in the same hand as the marriage of my ancestor and just as brief. As for Samuel, I found a record in the 1851 census showing him living in the Hackney area. I think the whole family moved into the Holborn area sometime in the early 1800s but I can`t prove it.

Sylvia - Thanks so much for the information. All that the image from Pallott`s has is the two names and the year. And the Thomas and Deborah that you identified are definitely mine. My gt. gt. grandfather was:

Name: Robert Heritage
Record Type: Baptism
Date: 08 Sep 1811
Father's Name: Thomas Heritage
Mother's Name: Maria Heritage
Parish: St Andrew Holborn
Borough: City of London
County: London

Jan - I agree the Thomas Heritage from Kent we can probably dismiss.



SylviaInCanada Report 4 Jun 2010 20:39

from the London records

London, England, Marriages and Banns, 1754-1921

Name: Mary Heritage
Spouse Name: William Edwards
Record Type: Marriage
Event Date: 27 May 1812
Parish: St Andrew Holborn
County: London
Borough: City of London

from image (all handwritten as before):

William Edwards of the Parish of Saint Andrew Holborn London Bachelor and Mary Heritage of the Parish of Buester in the County of Oxford Spinster were married in this Church by Licence on the Twentyeighth Day of May in the Year One Thousand eight Hundred and Twelve by me Charles Bryce Curate. This marriage was solemnized between Us William Edwards [and] Mary Heritage In the Presence of Us John Edwards [and] Charlotte (can't read)

NOTE:- it does say 28th in the text, so has been wrongly transcribed as 27

NOTE:- It says Mary is from a parish in Oxford .............. I think it is Buester

How does that fit with your information????



SylviaInCanada Report 4 Jun 2010 20:54

If this is your Samiel in the 1851 census

Name: Samuel Heritage
Age: 59
Estimated birth year: abt 1792
Relation: Head
Spouse's name: Margaret
Gender: Male
Where born: Fillingley, Warwickshire, England

Civil parish: Hackney
Ecclesiastical parish: South Hackney
County/Island: Middlesex
Country: England

Registration district: Hackney
Sub-registration district: South Hackney

Samuel Heritage 59 Wheelers Smith
Margaret Heritage 38 1813, South Wales, Brecon, Washerwoman
William Heritage 13 1838, Hackney
Eliza Heritage 4

Address:- 2 Queens Court Wells Street

then this is him in 1841 (remembering that ages of people over 15 were usually rounded down to the nearest 5)

1841 Census

Name: Samuel Heritage
Age: 45
Estimated birth year: abt 1796
Gender: Male

Civil parish: St John Hackney
Hundred: Ossulstone (Tower Division)
County/Island: Middlesex
Country: England

Registration district: Hackney
Sub-registration district: South Hackney

Samuel Heritage 45 not born in county, S Smith
Margaret Heritage 25 1816, not born in county
Margeret Heritage 6 1835, Middlesex
William Heritage 3 1838, Middlesex
Eliza Heritage 1 1840, Middlesex

no address given

and his marriage????

London, England, Marriages and Banns, 1754-1921

Name: Samuel Heritage
Spouse Name: Margaret Price
Record Type: Marriage
Event Date: 5 May 1833
Parish: St John the Evangelist, Upper Holloway
County: Middlesex

from image:-

Of this Parish

Of the same parish

Witnesses:- William Stokes (his mark) and James Biggs

NOTE:- James Biggs signed on 3 of the 6 certificates shown on 2 pages. The weddings were on 3 different dates in April and May, so he was most probably a "professsional" witness, paid a small amount to do so. Thus probably no connection to either party at any of the weddings.



SylviaInCanada Report 4 Jun 2010 21:02

London, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1906

Name: Mary Ann Heritage
Record Type: Baptism
Date: 21 Jun 1835
Father's Name: Samuel Heritage
Mother's Name: Margaret Heritage
Parish: St John the Evangelist
Borough: Islington
County: Middlesex

Born:- 15 June 1835
Address:- Archway Place Holloway
Father's occupation:- Smith

Baptized on the same day:-

London, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1906

Name: Eliza Heritage
Record Type: Baptism
Date: 29 Mar 1840
Father's Name: Samuel Heritage
Mother's Name: Margaret Heritage
Parish: St John at Hackney
Borough: Hackney
County: Middlesex

from image:-

(No birth date given)
Address:- Morning Lane
Father's occupation:- Smith

Name: William Heritage
Record Type: Baptism
Date: 29 Mar 1840
Father's Name: Samuel Heritage
Mother's Name: Margaret Heritage
Parish: St John at Hackney
Borough: Hackney
County: Middlesex

from image:-

Reported Born:- August 15 1837
Address:- Morning Lane
Occupation:- Smith



Brian Report 6 Jun 2010 21:55

Hi Sylvia

Yes, these are the Mary and Samuel who are the sister and brother of the Thomas Heritage from Fillongley. It's this Thomas Heritage that I feel is my gt. gt. gt. Grandfather and that I'm trying to prove the connection.



Gael Report 5 May 2015 08:42

Dear Brian

I am an Australian photohistorian researching Thomas Heritage who made stereo photographs in Singapore in 1861 but departed in 1862 back to London where he is listed as a photographer. ( see below form Photo London directory) I would be interested to know if he is one of your forebears and if you have found out anything about where he was before Singapore.

Yours sincerely

Gael Newton

Heritage, Thomas

Born 1820. Died 1868.


Heritage, Thomas
Born in St Marylebone 1820.
Christened April 1 1821 in St Marylebone.
Md Elizabeth Pyefinch October 17 1841 in Westminster.
STUDIO: 3 Addington Road, Bow Road, Poplar 1863 - 1865.
Died in Hackney 1868.


Jacqueline Report 5 May 2015 10:48

As Brian last posted on here 5 years ago, he probably won't be looking for replies now.

Click on his name and send him a message

If you want help with your own research, it would be better to start your own thread