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family tree (cordwell)

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Kenneth Report 28 Mar 2010 02:47

Iam trying to find some contacts based on the cordwell family . the family had a travelling fairground.
most info based on cencus 1871 to 1911.
john cordwell (head) born abt 1843/1846 macclesfield died wrexham 1916
1st wife possible elizabeth ann hughes born abt 1846 married salford 1864 died 1882.
2nd wife rosina robinson born london ? 1862 died wrexham 1928.
on marriage cert of john and eliz ann has johns father (john) as a shoemaker . 1841 cencus has this family under cardwell .
cardwell was also used on marriage of john and rosina.

children. 1st marriage.
sarah ellen 1865 salford
john richard 1870 manchester
george charles 1873 salford
2nd marriage
james 1889 edgefoot
leonard ruabon 1891
thomas 1895
daisy 1899
marie 1896
aida 1893
marie 1896
links to marriages of children not confimed
john richard to sarah ann doran
george to harriet colman
marie to patrick tynan
ada to joseph fletcher
james to bessie tibbot


JaneyCanuck Report 28 Mar 2010 03:17

The odds are against anyone related seeing your mesage here Kenneth, but us other members may be able to help. It's living relations you're looking for?

First, it is a lot easier to follow your info (in fact, it is extremely difficult to follow it the way you have it, with no capitals and no punctuation at all) if it's a bit organized -- hit the "enter" key to start a new line, and twice to leave a space. Like:

hello does anyone know of the cordwell family who were in the fairground buissness

from john 1843 to his 2nd wife rosina robinson

they worked manchester to wrexham area but also in stafford

they had children marie and ada
leonard was in army first world war and settled in wrexham
john richard married i think sarah doran
margret married joseph fletcher
and someone married patrick tynan [who is "someone"??]

not made any contacts up to now
thanks kenneth salt

Is that how it should read?

Without dates it's a little hard to start.

Have you searched at FreeBMD for the marriages you mention? You could then give us the dates and places.

If the couples likely had children after 1911, you could find them by searching for, e.g.,

surname Cordwell
mother's surname Doran

surname Fletcher
mother's surname Cordwell

If you can find their children, it might be possible to find their children's marriages, the children of those marriages, etc.

Meanwhile, have you searched trees here at GR (the button up above) for the names?


JaneyCanuck Report 28 Mar 2010 03:22

For reference - the 1901 census -- a child with them you didn't name:

Name: James Cordwell
Age: 12
Estimated birth year: abt 1889
Relation: Son
Father's Name: John
Mother's Name: Rosina
Where born: Anisford, Warwickshire, England
Civil parish: Manchester

John Cordwell 59 - travelling showman
Rosina Cordwell 39
James Cordwell 12
Eliza Lawton 18 - servant
Arthur Holloway 24 - " "
Edwin Miles 22 - " "

... but you have Leonard in your tree as born 1892, so hmm ...

Hmm, Leonard in 1901?

Name: Leonard Cordwell
Age: 8
Estimated birth year: abt 1893
Relation: Visitor
Where born: Bradford, Yorkshire, England
Civil parish: Bradford

Elizabeth Santer 46
Percy Santer 16
Isabelle Santer 12
Elizth Hamilton 26
James Osbaldiston 29
Leonard Cordwell 8
Thomas Cordwell 5

And aha, on the same page as John and Rosina in 1901 (John is shown as John Senr.):

Name: John Cordwell
Age: 32
Estimated birth year: abt 1869
Relation: Head
Spouse's name: Sarah A
Where born: Manchester, Lancashire, England
Civil parish: Manchester

John Cordwell 32 - travelling showman
Sarah A Cordwell 30
Daisy Cordwell 2
Harriet Coleman 19
Eliza McDermot 18


JaneyCanuck Report 28 Mar 2010 03:47

I looked in the 1911 census

for any surname CORDWELL living with given name ROSINA.

FMP has cleverly transcibed the surname as CORDWELL SENR, since John insisted in adding the "Senr" after his name.

So you can just search the 1911 for that surname to find the household.

Aida and Marie were born in 1893 and 1896 - maybe they were at school in 1901?

Anyway, this means that they would likely all have married *after* 1911, so their marriages and children should be easy to find at FreeBMD.

Anyone here could do that for you, but it's much more interesting for you to do it yourself!


Kenneth Report 25 Jul 2012 21:34

After four long years i have finally found most of the answers.
john cordwell was born 1841 macclesfield,
parents of above.
emily cordwell mother and thomas bullock father,
any info please,
thomas bullock born 1818 lyme handley cheshire was a farmer,
i have done who i think is thomas in the census.
emily cordwell born 1821 chester.
emily did not marry thomas.


AnnCardiff Report 25 Jul 2012 23:31

welcome back Kenneth!!!

John Cordwell
England and Wales Census, 1881
birth: 1842 Macclesfield,? Cheshire,? England
census: 1881 Salford,? Lancashire,? England
spouse: Elizabeth A Cordwell
children: Sarah E Cordwell,? John R Cordwell...

name: John Cordwell
age: 39
gender: Male
birth year: 1842
birthplace: Macclesfield, Cheshire, England
relationship to head of household: Head
marital condition: Married
profession/occupation: Hawker
address: 59 Bigland St
census place: Salford, Lancashire, England
record type: Household
family history library film: 1341948
the national archives reference: RG11
piece/folio: 3970 / 103
page number: 36


AnnCardiff Report 25 Jul 2012 23:32


John Cordwell
England and Wales Census, 1841
birth: 1789 Cheshire
census: 1841 Prestbury,? Macclesfield,? Cheshire,? England

name: John Cordwell
event: Census
event date: 1841
gender: Male
age: 52
birthplace: Cheshire
record type: Household
registration district: Macclesfield
sub-district: Macclesfield, West
civil parish: Prestbury
county: Cheshire

John Cordwell
England and Wales Census, 1841
birth: 1822 Cheshire
census: 1841 Prestbury,? Macclesfield,? Cheshire,? England

name: John Cordwell
event: Census
event date: 1841
gender: Male
age: 19
birthplace: Cheshire
record type: Household
registration district: Macclesfield
sub-district: Macclesfield, West
civil parish: Prestbury
county: Cheshire


AnnCardiff Report 25 Jul 2012 23:32

John Cordwell Senr
England and Wales Census, 1911
birth: Macclesfield,? Cheshire
census: 1911 Wrexham Regis,? B Market Wrexham,? Denbighshire,? Wales

name: John Cordwell Senr
event: Census
event date: 1911
gender: Male
age: 69
birthplace: Macclesfield, Cheshire
record type: Household
registration district: Wrexham
sub-district: Wrexham
parish: Wrexham Regis
county: Denbighshire

John Cordwell
England and Wales Census, 1891
birth: Macclesfield,? Cheshire
census: 1891 Wales

name: John Cordwell
event: Census
event date: 1891
gender: Male
age: 45
relationship to head of household: Head
birthplace: Macclesfield, Cheshire
record type: Household
registration district: Wrexham
sub-district: Wrexham
ecclesiastical parish: Wrexham
civil parish: Wrexham Regis
county: Denbighshire

John Cardwell
England and Wales Census, 1851
birth: Macclesfield,? Cheshire
census: 1851 England

name: John Cardwell
age: 3
gender: M
birthplace: Macclesfield, Cheshire
relationship to head of household: Son
record type: Household


AnnCardiff Report 25 Jul 2012 23:39

1881 Census Hawkers born Cheshire: - Romany/Gypsy Connections:
John Cordwell Elizabeth A., Bc 1842 Macclesfield, Cheshire, England Head Salford, Lancashire ... Elizabeth Read, Bc 1841 Macclesfield, Cheshire, England Lodger ... - Cached


AnnCardiff Report 25 Jul 2012 23:47

Macclesfield Courier, Stockport Express; and Cheshire General Advertiser viii 450
20 March 1819
Assize Intelligence.
The Judge, the Hon. Sir Robert Graham, Knt. in his address to the Grand Jury, observed, that he felt deep concern that the increase of public crime far exceeded the common average of former Assizes; and sorry he was to say that this was the case throughout the country. This his Lordship in some degree attributed to the lower orders of the people being thrown at so great a distance, and marked out as it were as a different species of beings from the more wealthy, and the neglect there was to cultivate the morals of the inferior classes of society. His Lordship spoke of capital punishments in seeming approbation of the motion recently carried in the House of Commons; and observed, that the severity of punishments must be proportionate to the enormity of crime. - Thirteen prisoners were capitally convicted and received sentence of DEATH; viz. Solomon Hill, for sheep stealing; Edward Green and Matthew Gilling, for burglary; William Batting, for a like offence; Richard Tipping, for robbing a house; Mark Cordwell for stealing a poney[sic]; Henry Dunckley and William Phipps, for stealing notes and money, value £4 3s.; Abraham Wansborne, for sheep-stealing; Thomas Mallows, for robbing; R. Bishop for robbing a house; Thomas Burrel and William Durley, for robbing; William Ines and J. Spratley, for a felony; and Sarah Hurst for the murder of her husband, William Hurst, by poisoning him. - The whole were reprieved, except Thomas Burrell, for the highway robbery; and Sarah Hurst: the latter was ordered to be hanged on the 12th inst. and her body dissected and anatomized. - J. Gooding and W. Sawyer, for stealing a hog, were sentenced to transportation for seven years; James Abraham and Joseph Flatt, for attempts to violate infant females, the former two years', and the latter one year's imprisonment and both wipped[sic] twice. - Five others were convicted of felonies, and sentenced to various terms of confinement.

SPRATLEY - FONS - PRATLEY One-Name Study - Main
Curia Regis Roll Trinity 16 John m.3 ... Fountain-co. axletree-makers Macclesfield Courier, Stockport Express; and Cheshire ... Tipping, for robbing a house; Mark Cordwell ... - Cached


AnnCardiff Report 25 Jul 2012 23:51

Family History - Cheshire Archives and Local Studies
Cheshire Archives and Local Studies collects and preserves original records and ... Family History Family History and Research. Tracing the history of your family is a ... - Cached


AnnCardiff Report 25 Jul 2012 23:52

Cheshire Genealogy - UKBMD - Births, Marriages, Deaths ...
Macclesfield Library, Jordan Gate, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 1EE - Tel: 01625 422512. ... can be purchased on disk from The Family History Society of Cheshire. ... - Cached


Hayley Report 23 Oct 2014 17:24

Hi Kenneth,
I'm researching my maternal family tree and stumbled upon your post. Hopefully you're still on here and will get to see this. I'm the great-granddaughter of Ada Cordwell, who I believe was the daughter of John and Rosina Cordwell. Ada married Joseph Fletcher and they had a daughter called Fanny, who was my grandma. The fairground remained the family business, right up until my mum. We don't know too much about the Cordwells, but I thought you might be pleasantly surprised to receive a reply. Are we distantly related?
Best Wishes,


Anthony Report 22 May 2015 23:51

My surname is Cordwell and I've dug very deep and very far back. Part of my tree is on here, but most is only on my laptop. I'll be away for the weekend, but will try to check the tree for any links next week. But reply to this to remind me, I'm very busy right now! :-)


Jacqueline Report 23 May 2015 08:51

Kenneth hasn't posted on here since 2012.

If you wish to contact him, click on his name


Kenneth Report 23 May 2015 17:23

Thankyou genes members.
Iam still on this site but slowly coming to a end.
I now have a large database of my cordwell tree.
to make things easy.
My cordwells were in Macclesfield in 1840s ,Then moved to Manchester. Hulme area.
some went into travelling fair.
I do have death write ups and certificates of marriage.


Jacqueline Report 23 May 2015 23:09

It would be a good idea to send PM's to the people who have posted thinking they are connected to you - Hayley in particular