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Info on Carl Otley

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JoonieCloonie Report 6 Nov 2015 15:49

yes Amanda, that is what others in this thread said way back in 2009

... actually it is hard to follow because the person who posted the actual 1944 birth details then deleted them (it is not wise to post specific details here about someone who may very well be living and of course allenby insisted the birth was in 1930)

this is where birth details can be found

not much point in just repeating what you said, because the others reading at this point are not related anyway ... you have the advice to try to contact allenby, if you wish, by clicking on their name to send a private message, and an email will then be sent to them to notify them

and if you were wanting to find Carl yourself you could try contacting the current resident of his 2002 address to see whether they can tell you anything

unless Allenby returns to this site after 6 years and searches for this thread, they won't see your messages here ever

never hurts to say thanks!


JoonieCloonie Report 5 Nov 2015 23:20

he was likely living in Louth in 2002 but has not been on the electoral roll since then

- his complete last address can be found here:

Indeed, if Edna was 40 in 1963 when she died, she did not have a child in 1930 when she was 7 years old.

in case Amanda is interested!

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 5 Nov 2015 16:24


Allenby posted this 6 plus years ago so is unlikely to be looking for any replies now .

You could try and make contact by clicking on Allenby name and sending a message .If they still has the same email address it will be picked it up and can then reply

Contrary Mary

Contrary Mary Report 13 Jul 2009 13:17

A bit more info.

I found another marriage for Albert C Otley in 1966 so went searching for a death for Edna.

The Edna M Jacklin married to Albert C Otley died in Louth 1963 aged 40, which ties in with the birth for her in 1922.

I know this doesn't help find the birth for Carl Otley, but I think I would put my money on it being the 1944 one.


Contrary Mary

Contrary Mary Report 13 Jul 2009 12:46


How about this marriage for Edna? Edna M Jacklin to Albert C Otley 1954 Q3 Louth.

The birth found for you in 1944 has actually been registered 3 times!

Twice in 1944 under Jacklyn mmn Jacklyn and Otley mmn Jacklin and then again in 1960 as Otley mmn Jacklin. As the registration district each time is Rotherham not really sure that it is the correct one. Although I'd be inclined to spend £7 just to find out for sure.......but then, I am known to be a bit of a spendthrift! LOL.

There is another Jacklin birth with mmn of Jacklin in 1935 in Louth, but the 1st name is different, although he has 2nd names C K, maybe the 2nd name is Carl and he was just known by that name?

Only problem with this one is that - if the birth shown for Edna in 1922 is correct, she would only have been 13 years old! A bit too young!! Unless her's is the other birth, found by Shirley, in 1911 which seems more likely.



allenby Report 13 Jul 2009 11:54

thank you its a great start so gratefull


Catherine Report 12 Jun 2009 17:06

1911 shows three Joseph's in Louth, two more probable than the other, so difficult to say which is the correct one without knowing his date of birth and fathers name.

HOUSEHOLD JACKLIN JOSEPH M 1884 27 Louth Lincolnshire
HOUSEHOLD JACKLIN JOSEPH M 1867 44 Louth Lincolnshire
HOUSEHOLD JACKLIN JOSEPH M 1886 25 Louth Lincolnshire

same advice for Alice!


Catherine Report 12 Jun 2009 17:01

The marriage of Joseph and Alice:-

Marriages Dec 1919 (>99%)
Barker Alice Jacklin Louth 7a 1749
Jacklin Joseph Barker Louth 7a 1749

Children ? :-
Births Mar 1920 (>99%)
Jacklin Benjamin Barker Louth 7a 1242
Births Dec 1922 (>99%)
Jacklin Edna M Barker Louth 7a 916
Births Mar 1925 (>99%)
Jacklin Joyce H Barker Louth 7a 898
Births Mar 1931 (>99%)
Jacklin Hubert Barker Louth 7a 881
Births Sep 1933 (>99%)
JACKLIN Betty Barker Louth 7a 795

The marriage cert. will give both father's names and professions which will help find, or confirm, any info found.
It will also give you their ages so you can work out a date of birth.

The 1944 birth would fit with the Edna M.Jacklin born here in 1922!

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 12 Jun 2009 16:39

saw that birth but was 1944 and Jill quoted 1930 so way out, although the mum would still be in her 30,s

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 12 Jun 2009 16:27

Cant find any record of a birth for him .Is this Edna ??
Name: Edna M Jacklin
Year of Registration: 1911
Quarter of Registration: Apr-May-Jun
District: Grimsby
County: Humberside, Lincolnshire
Volume: 7a
Page: 610


allenby Report 12 Jun 2009 16:08

His mother is called Edna Mary Otley (nee) Jacklin. His Grandfather was Joseph Jacklin and Grandmother Alice Jacklin. They resided in Louth in Lincolnshire UK. He was b. Approx 1930.
Any in formatiion on this family would be greatly apprieciated.
