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Anne Report 6 Feb 2008 14:43

I have come across two marriages in the Parish Records of the Banff/Fordyce area of Scotland on following days - 20 January 1815 (147/0080 0313) and 21 January 1815 (153/0040 0525). Both list Alexander McRae marrying Christian Gordon.
Unfortunately, it rather puts into question my family history research - Alexander being my GG Grandfather. I wonder if anyone else has experienced a similar issue - could it be a mistake, or just a big coincidence, and is there anything I can do to verify which one is correct if there are, indeed, two separate marriages.
Any help or advice appreciated!

Mhairi Queen of Scots

Mhairi Queen of Scots Report 6 Feb 2008 15:26

It is likely to be the same people.

Bannes would have been read in both parties parishes eg Alexander might have been from Banff and Christian might have been from Fordyce. Resulting in two mentions in the parish records.

There may have only been one marriage though bannes would have been read in both parishes, thats why they appear twice.

Hope that makes sense


Anne Report 6 Feb 2008 15:35

20/01/1815 (Banff) reads "Alexander McRae in this parish and Christian Gordon in the Parish of Fordyce were contracted in order to marriage and after regular proclamation were married"
21/01/1815 (Fordyce) reads "Alexander McRae and Christian Gordon, both in this parish, contracted and were married"

Your explanations appear to make perfect sense, if you agree that the similarity between the two entries is close enough.

Thank you both very much for your help.
Regards, Anne


Findlay Report 18 Nov 2015 19:16

Aye Anne,
I am not sure if We Have been in contact before regarding Alexander McRae my Gt.Gt.Grandfather and Christian Gordon
Findlay Macrae


ArgyllGran Report 18 Nov 2015 19:20

Welcome to the boards, Findlay.

Unfortunately, Anne posted that in 2008, and isn't likely to be looking here for replies now.

You can try sending her a private message (click on her name at the top of her post). If she still uses the email address which she registered with GR, she will be notified that she has a message from you.

PM sent to Findlay to let him know this reply is here.]