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Elizabeth Shaw 1800's

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Alan Report 30 Aug 2007 15:33

Elizabeth Shaw married Thomas Matthias Weguelin around 1800 , they had a son named George Christopher born c1803 and a daughter named Elizabeth Anne born c 1804 , also possibly another son named John Christopher born 1806 .
According to The Dictionary of National Biography there is some mystery about the birth of Anne Josephine c1812 by Elizabeth and Thomas but listed as being illegitimate ( although they were married about 1800 ) the children were born in Calcutta India .
In 1814 he married Mary Cooper , what happened to Elizabeth Shaw ? I can find no record of her marriage or death .


Grabagran Report 4 Sep 2007 22:46

if you try and put in thomas weguelins name, you will see someone in Australia has submitted something on him, so well may be able to give you some info. good luck


Unknown Report 3 Jan 2016 16:30

In 1764 Thomas Shadwell of Stockwell, Lambeth, left £10 to his godson THOMAS MATHIAS WEGUELIN.

Thomas Shadwell was the son of Sir John Shadwell, MD, physician to King George, Queen Anne. He was the son of Thomas Shadwell, Poet Laureate.

This seems to be a much earlier Thomas Mathias Weguelin than the ones on your family trees, but it is a rare name, so is likely to be the ancestor of someone on this thread? Thomas Shadwell was born one of 4 children to a mother who died in 1722, and he died in 1765. His Godson Thomas Mathias Welguelin could have been a baby or up to a young man when the will was written. Perhaps a grandfather to the Thomas Matthias Weguelin born in 1810, or father?


AnnCardiff Report 3 Jan 2016 17:13

welcome to the boards

you have answered a posting that was made in 2007, so it's unlikely either of the posters will be looking for a reply after such a long time - you could try to make contact with either through the site by clicking on their name to send a message


ArgyllGran Report 4 Jan 2016 11:34

PM sent to Vivienne (aka Unknown) to let her know how to return to the thread, as she's a new poster.