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David Calladine

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teacher Report 11 Jan 2004 09:14

Calladine, Culludyne, Carradine or Callidine. Icelandic clan that arrived via Ireland to Cheshire in 10th Century. Name arrives from Irish spelling of Ring of Stone, or 'Carwick Wardine' Small hillfort where they settled in Cheshire, modern Carden, is now a golf course that is undergoing excavation by the University of Liverpool. Some evidence suggests that family were into stone masonry during middle agaes, not a good proffesion at time of war, so during the Plantanget times, we moved for safety into the Peak District and forest of Sherwood, like so many other families, and the legend of 'Robin Hood' may have originated here. Derbishire families went into Mineral Mining, and Nottinghamshire families into stocking manufacture. Finally with the industurial rev, the two clans swap terroties somewhat, and move into coal and lace. Some Families went to Calais to set up mechanised Lace mills away from the Luddites in 1830. famous Calladines, the Mayor of Mansefield who has put our name on a few things, William, of Hucknall Tockard, inventer of the Shetland Shaw. and Norman Calladine (Canada) wuo during the war, managed to obtain the higest score in a single season for an american Ice Hockey player (Boston red socks). Oh and David Carradine, the actor, but his name is spelt wrong.... Infamous, My own Great Grandfather, William, who put his pick into Radstock mine, and found the River Trent, thus causing the First use of concrete since roman times, several tons of it, to stop the mine flooding (Calladines Hole)


WmCar Report 25 May 2015 18:30

Hey David, are you still available for consultation?
William Carradine
Texas, USA


AnnCardiff Report 25 May 2015 19:03

Hi there William, welcome to the boards :-)

As it's been such a long time since David posted, click on his name to send him a message via this site - if he still has the same email address he should receive it. In the meantime, why not start a posting of your own - you'll get lots of help

Ann x