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John Broomhead

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John Report 27 May 2006 08:24

Hello everyone. My name is John Broomhead. I have just started trying to trace my own ancestry. My father was one 'Donald Eric' born 02/10/1927 and his father was one William Henry born 1899/1900. On Willaim Henry's marriage certificate he is down as 'William Henry Fox Broomhead' although at the moment I cannot find where the 'Fox' originated. They lived at 39 Heavygate Ave. Sheffield and I have a sepia photo circa 1935 of my father and his sister Margaret standing outside the house. William Henry married Rose Emmeline Andrews on 22nd July 1918. The marriage was solemnised at Wesley hall, Crookes, Ecclesall, Bierlow. County of Derby & Sheffield. They had 3 children - Margaret (eldest) Violet and Donald Eric (my father & youngest) Q. Do these names crop up in anyone else’s tree? My my quest at this time is to trace my great grandfather - father of William Henry. HOWEVER according to the marriage certificate his name was 'William Henry HARRISON' of 74 Duncan Rd, Crookes, Sheffield??? very strange. Hope someone can point me in the right direction - Many thanks - John B


Peter Report 27 Mar 2015 12:17

Hi, my name is Christina Woolliscroft, nee Dickerson. My Uncle, Walter Dickerson was born in 39 Heavygate Avenue in 1921. I'm not sure I can help you with anything but your photo of your relatives outside the house would be of great interest to me to see the house. It seems possible that your relatives may have known mine but, unfortunately most of my relatives have died on this side of my family from that time so I know very little. I have googled the area and I do not know if the houses were the same as they are now. I would be grateful if you have any info on this matter. I hope to hear from you. Best wishes Christina.


malyon Report 27 Mar 2015 12:30

William Henry Broomhead
England and Wales, Birth Registration Index
Name: William Henry Broomhead
Event Type: Birth Registration
Registration Quarter: Oct-Nov-Dec
Registration Year: 1899
Registration District: Rotherham
County: Yorkshire
Event Place: Rotherham, Yorkshire, England
Volume: 9C
Page: 756
Line Number: 199


KathleenBell Report 27 Mar 2015 12:32

Welcome to the boards Christina

John's post is 9 years old and he hasn't posted since then so I doubt he will see your reply.

You could try to contact him direct by clicking on his name and sending a private message. If he still has the same email address that he registered with Genes then he will be notified that he has a message waiting. If he has changed his email address it will be impossible to contact him.

To check for names in anyone else's tree use the "search" option at the top right of the screen and click on "search all member trees"

Kath. x


Jacqueline Report 27 Mar 2015 12:34


Check the date of the original post