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Trying to find Brice

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Julie Report 3 Sep 2004 17:29

Bessie Brice (one of 13 children) was born in Bampton, Devon in 1904. (Charlie and Gwen moved to Canada. Bessie, Nell, Tom and Jim lived in Exmouth. Percy lived in Exeter. Leslie lived in London. Jack lived in Tiverton. Vera lived in Saltash. Bert lived in Ripon.) There may have been a Joe as well - still trying to confirm. I look forward to hearing from anyone researching the Brices.

Joe Arthur

Joe Arthur Report 1 Jan 2016 14:31

Hi Julie,

I don't know if you are still answering this email but I am researching the Brice family for my step daughter... She is an ancestor I beleive of the family you are talking about, a descendant of thomas born 1874 who married Eliza Lazarus in bampton.

Is there any chance you could share this info on the family?

Many thanks,



greyghost Report 1 Jan 2016 14:44

Hi Joe - and welcome to the boards.

You've noticed that Julie posted some time ago. She may not be a member now. You could try clicking on her name and sending a Personal Message(PM). Genes will be able to notify her they have a message in the system for her - if she still has the same email address as she registered with Genes. She can then reply to you. Don't hold your breathe, there are many reasons why she may not answer. Check your Sent messages box - if the green envelope remains by the message she hasn't opened it.

If you need any help yourself, start a new thread of your own and ask away - but always tell us what you already know and stay around to check and reply to answers/ questions that might be asked in an effort to help you.