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Trying to find Argent

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Ann Report 30 Jun 2003 22:04

Trying to find infomation on Jacob Argent he was a tailor by trade .I have not been able to find his birth place his Wife was called Susanna. They lived in Halstead Essex and have found Children born in Halstead a daughter bap 1819 Susanna ,1825 Edward , 1827 William my great great grandfather . 1834 Caroline and 1837 Issac I believe Issac is buried in Halstead. William had son Isaac born Halsted he married Ellen Cooper and moved to London Battersea , his son Ernest who was also a Tailor by trade born 1881 was my grandfather he had 2 brothers George born 1880 Battersea and Albert born Clapton 1878 is there anyone with information on these two brothers , I understand that one was a Priest possibly in St Albans Hertfordshire as Ernest and his wife Amy was married there and his brother married them .the other brother had a trawler in Cleathorpe near Grimsby Regards Ann Liffen


Jennifer Report 1 Aug 2008 14:17


This is a bit of a long shot, but I, too, am researching the Argent family. I know that my ggg grandfather, Abraham Argent, was born in Chelmsford, Essex circa 1801, the son of John Argent. He moved all over the country as a railway excavator and is very difficult to trace. However, he had two sons called Isaac and Jacob (they were twins and Jacob died in infancy) as well as my gg grandfather, William. As the names seem to tarry, perhaps there could be a connection? I'd be grateful to receive any information on these elusive Argents.


GlitterBaby Report 1 Aug 2008 14:17

This is dated 2003

If you think there is a connection then try and send a message to Ann - just click on her name

No way of knowing if she is still a member


Rosemary Report 14 Mar 2010 22:58

I too have Abraham, John & Isaac in my tree, can't promise they are the same as yours but us Argents are from Essex. Sadly I have no records with me at this mo in time as moving back from Saudi Arabia to UK and all boxes are in transit as I type. I am only in UK on hol at present but will be living back here as from 29th April, so if I find we have a connection I will certainly be in touch.

Kind regards

Rosemary Singleton nee Argent


AnnCardiff Report 14 Mar 2010 23:11

such an old posting here - you could try to make contact with either poster via GR by clicking n their name

I see it has already been pointed out that this is an ancient posting


Kevin Report 6 May 2015 10:50

Are you connected/researching Liffen from either Bromley/Beckenham or Wandsworth areas? If so I'd love to hear from you.


Jacqueline Report 6 May 2015 10:56

Ann posted in 2003..........has never returned, and has NO posts against her name

She is not likely to be on GR's books now

BUT.......follow the advice given in 2008 and 2010