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Trying to find Akers
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Alixena | Report | 20 Sep 2004 17:34 |
I am trying to find out the name of my great-grandparents Akers. They lived around Waltham Cross, Herts and had 3 sons: Thomas(my grand dad), William (Bill) and Harry. I know nothing about them and as my father sadly died 3 years ago I have little chance of finding out other than from this site. Thank you for any ideas you may have. |
Christine | Report | 6 May 2015 21:44 |
Ok its been a while may not still be on this site but have william,Thomas and Harry in my family tree...Harry is my great great grandfather . |
greyghost | Report | 6 May 2015 21:57 |
Christine, you've noticed it is a while since Alixena posted - over 10 years. If she's still a member and has the same email address as when she registered with GR, they can let her know she has a Personal message - so try clicking in her name and you can send her one. Be warned though, even if she gets it, she may not answer. |